Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A Bible Verse and an update

Hey all.

Today I went in for my regular weigh in at Vickie's for my "Biggest Winner" competition. Can I just tell you that I was a little frightened, I know that I've been working out WAY more then the past. I know that I've REALLY been watching my Calorie intake too. Less food more exercise, and yet I was scared and thought that I probably GAINED. A voice in my head, (who was NOT God) was telling me that I was failing and a failure.

Well Guess what DEVIL.. I can do ALL things through Christ that Strengthens me. (This is my "signature" on my e-mail) and yet I forgot this verse until today!

I watched the scale and waited until the Zero's stopped. One foot then the next. Still a little worried, BUT when I saw the number at 227, I just about FREAKED right out. Having 2 other ladies screaming for me was also pretty exciting too. Ladies and gentleman, that puts me down 7.8lbs since January! I am so happy and thankful to my Father in Heaven. I know that he is proud of me. Just maybe I am proud of me too. Not too proud that I'm getting a BIG head, but PROUD that I CAN do this and WILL do this. I started this blog last April and it took me almost 10 months to really start seeing some progress. I am really pumped today and HOPE that I can continue this journey.

I am not writing this to be congratulated or cheered on. I am writing this to encourage everyone that IF you put your mind to it, you can DO this.

January I felt God really challenging me that my weight problem wasn't because I had 3 babies. My weight issues were ME and what I was putting into my body. Therefore, Today I am confessing that I am a bored eater an "emotional" eater and a "stress" Eater. BUT I want to be an example to my Generation and younger generations. I want to live for Christ and I REALLY feel that the way I eat is a bondage that Christ will set me free from. Today I am proclaiming to the World that I WILL be free from this. It won't be easy, and there are always "bumps" on this road. Today is a New Day and I hope you will continue on this ever so fun journey with me.

I really appreciate all of you. I find that having this blog allows me to be accountable to ALL of you. If any of you need prayer or just a little encouragement, send me a message. I'd LOVE to be there for ya!!! Having Vickie's Specialty shop Cheer me on, PROVES to me that there is POWER in accountability.

God Bless


Saturday, January 22, 2011

Down and excited..

Hey World. So this has been a very interesting week. I haven't been able to run for a week due to time restraints and my baby being ill. However, I have done some work out video's and really downsized my portions. With this routine and drinking my water......

I was down 6.2lbs from last week. I was shocked and excited. Hoping I can keep this streak going. If I do, I WILL be the Biggest Winner in the contest. I am REALLY hoping for this. $100.00 gift card for new clothes is SUCH an incentive.

I totally miss my running buddy and will be calling her this week. It's sooooo important to me that I get to the 5K ASAP.

My co-workers asked if I was losing weight. That was MUSIC to my ears. I hope I can keep it up.

thanks for sharing my excitement with me. I am doing this journey for me, but because I know that you are cheering me on. I WILL not QUIT. I picked up a key chain from Vickie's Specialty shop that say's "Do not Quit Do Not Quit DO NOT QUIT"
I am making a promise to myself. I WILL NOT QUIT I WILL NOT QUIT I WILL NOT QUIT

Be blessed

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Still running and joining the "Biggest Winner" Competition

Hey there World

SO I'm still running. We had taken a break for a while, but on Monday did week 4 day 1. It was incredible. 2- 5 minute runs and 2- 3 minute runs. I was really scared about the 5 minute run. BUT.... We did it! It was tough, but we did it. I was so proud!!! I look forward to running again tomorrow too! It will be a challenge, but I know it's about 2 1/2 times around the top of the Arena.

The new BEAUTIFUL arena in Sensational Smiths Falls has a Walking area at the top of the seated areas. I wasn't sure if I would be comfortable running there, but Courtney and I did it and it wasn't that bad. A little "loud" from a Bears Practice going on, but I'm happy we have a place to run. Much easier running there then on the snow.

Also excited because I'm joining a competition at Vickie's Specialty shop, one of my favorite stores here in town. It's called Biggest Winner (aka-weight loss) from Now til June, I will Simply weigh in once a week at Vickie's and collect my prizes! They are offering gift cards for EVERYONE who loses 5,10, and 20lbs and then a $25 gift card for EVERYONE who keeps their weight off all year! The person who loses the most by June 15th, will win a $100 gift card! That is my goal, the $100.00 gift card!!!! I will need new clothes, don't you think??? I can't wait!! A little more incentive to get healthy and LOSE the weight!!! Whoo-hoo to awesome ideas!

Well this is what's "new" now. Can't wait to write more and tell you all about my journey.


Sunday, January 2, 2011


Welcome 2011. I'm not going to make any resolutions on "eating healthy or losing weight" due to the fact that I've been at this journey since last April. I can say that I am working on it. It's a "SLOW" process due to my LOVE of eating.. HOWEVER that being said...

I am still running. I took a 2 week break due to sickness and Christmas festivities and helping out at the M&M Meatshops. I missed running.. I missed it ALOT (which surprises me, since I HATE Physical Anything... lol)

After church today I decided it's time to get back at it. I repeated week 3 day 3 of couch to 5K , just to get myself ready for week 4. I am unbelievably proud of myself, because I did it without my running buddy! I missed not having her there, but to prove to myself that I can do this on my own was SUCH an achievement. With this run into Today we can proceed on Tuesday as we run together again for Week 4 day 1. I can't wait! A tad nervous since there is More running then walking, but I know that we CAN do this. We also found out that we can run in the upstairs of the arena. This makes me very very happy. Bad weather WILL NOT hold us back. It's so exciting to me that I will actually complete this program (even if I'm a little behind)

Thanks to many of you that have encouraged me through this journey. I look forward to 2011 to see what God has in store for us.

Be blessed, YOu can do anything that you set your mind too.

Heidi Kozlof

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

I feel like a new women

Hello World.

This running and getting healthy has been such a blessing to my life. I have a renewed sense of self worth. I can do something that I thought I never could. On Saturday I ran for 3 minutes straight TWICE. To many, this may seem like no big deal. To ME this was such an accomplishment. I get to do it again tonight, and I am excited about it!

With this getting healthy kick, I am noticing that I am not really craving the "sweets" as much. I still have the odd craving for "Ketchup chips". I think I may have fallen into temptation on this twice in the last 3 weeks. I will overcome and learn to have a little "self control". I just LOVE those chips, I can't help it.

Yesterday was the ladies "cookie exchange" that my friend Mary and I organized. I think it was a great success. We had over 30 people at our exchange. Massive amounts of cookies. It was wonderful. I have a vision of all the generations of ladies coming together in unity, and working together for Christ. We as women are known (no offense) to be "complainers, grumblers, stuck in our ways". BUT if we can walk with Christ, do his work, stop our pigheadedness, we WILL accomplish GREAT things.

Last night there were at least 7 generations of women/little women at the cookie exchange. It made me emotional and excited to see what God has in store for us. It was exciting to see some of our youth girls just helping out. These girls never grew up in church, but they were excited to be there and willing to help. It BLESSED me beyond words. It takes a "community" and I believe that our "community" is BEAUTIFUL and wonderful.. I look forward to the next few months of planning to see what's next for all of us

In regards to the cookie exchange. I hardly had any "sample" cookies. Which is AMAZING, since I LOVE sweets!!!

Well, God is good and faithful. Thanks for reading my blog. You make me smile everyday.

Ps- I lost 3lbs in the month of November. Larry even thinks I'm starting to "tone up" a little. :) Yippee to that.

Be blessed


Friday, November 19, 2010

Doing the run.. But running this race can be harder then I thought

Hello World

I am about to Rant tonight.. Let me say before I rant. This is directed at nobody, this is something that is stirring up in my heart, and I feel that I must blog about it.

I've been sharing with you my journey from couch to 5K. It's going so well and I am so thankful that I am healthy enough to try and train for a 5KM run. I am also running a race with my generation and for the younger generations of this community and Nation. My heart yearns to see the schools in our town/country and their students find the "truth" and hunger for more of God. I am on my knees for my generation. One thing that I am praying for and struggling with is a generation who has a huge distaste for commitment and lack of trust.

What is wrong with committing to something? Why do we find it so difficult to do so. I can see a pattern in our youth today because of our generation and the past generation failing to commit. Where is the consistency that needs to be? What have we done?

Why are we so afraid to commit?

I know for a fact that I too have a huge issue with commitment as well. We started Mikayla out in Soccer a few years ago. However, we barely made it to many of her games, because we had so much other stuff on our plate. Then we put the kids in Gymnastics last fall. We only missed a few nights but ended up not returning for the winter session, as it was just too much. Too much from what?? I don't get ourselves. Yes our schedule is pretty hectic with BG clubs on Wednesdays, small group on Thursdays and Piano and youth on Fridays. However, why am I so wishy-washy when it comes to certain things.

I know that our generation struggles with this and I just can't understand why? (I'm sorry if I step on toes today, this is not directed at a single person, it's just an observation that I've made in the past 7 years).

We need to be an example to the younger generations. I think it's time that we "rise up" and take a stand. Show them what it is to be committed and live in integrity. I want to be this person, I want my babies to know that their mother keeps her word. I see future leaders that struggle with committing 1 day a week to serve, I see parents struggle sending their children to hockey, soccer, youth, or special events that their children want to take part in, because they just don't feel like it. I'm there, I know what a hard day is like, however we need to teach the next generation what true priorities are.

You may be thinking "Wow, Heidi's had a rough day". Not so.. I'm just concerned for the future of my children and our "youth" of our nation. God has such a plan and I don't ever want to cause anyone to stumble, including my 3 beauties. I hope this "rant" makes sense. I just want to do what's right.

My husband has been in full time youth ministry for almost 6+ years now. It's by far a tough job, but so rewarding. To see future leaders have a passion for change, to see future leaders HUNGRY for more. I just pray that we can ALL be a good example, watch them grow and fall deeply in Love with Christ.

THAT brings me to another thing. If we TRULY loved Christ, would we not walk around with a Smile on our faces? Would we not Love our neighbors as our self. Wouldn't we be selfless? When we hear that it's time for a prayer night, wouldn't we be excited to go to it, instead of staying at home. Now, in all honesty when a prayer night happens, I usually stay at home with the kiddo's, BUT I am praying, just at home. However, a lot of the times when we hear "prayer night" we roll our eyes and don't step foot in the door. HOW are we going to change the world if we stop praying? If we truly loved Christ wouldn't we BE THERE excited and passionate about prayer? If we truly Loved Christ wouldn't we get off Facebook or shut the TV off and open our bibles?? Hey, I'm talking to myself here, I want to hear from God SOOOOOO bad, but yet can't get off the computer to "listen" and "read his word". Funny isn't it? I want to stop thinking about "ME ME ME" all time. I'm so sick and tired of having "pity parties" for myself and I'm beyond frustrated about how Christianity is perceived by our culture. It's time we move forward, it's time for a change. Today is the day we walk away from our legalism and start doing what Christ has commanded us to do. John 15:13: "This is my commandment love one another a I have loved you" This is it. We should be concerned for others, love others and stop worrying about ourselves. THEY (people) will know Christ by OUR LOVE>>> Are we loving people today?

Let's be serious, We can act like a Christian, it's so easy to "fake it". God wants MORE, he wants more from you and he wants more from me. Who's with me? If we stand up today and say "Time for a change" THINK at what God can do?? It's exciting, thrilling and amazing!!

O.k long rant is over.

Can I just say that I am so thankful for the church that God has placed Larry and I in. Beautiful people, beautiful family of God. I am truly blessed and they are truly family. Seeing Preston growing up with some buddies and a young girl all together, is really cool. Watching Mikayla grow up with the encouragement to be an encourager. INCREDIBLE. People loving on Bennet is wonderful. Someday my babies will CHANGE this World for Jesus. Bethel will have a HUGE role in their lives. We are BLESSED.

Tomorrow Mikayla is hanging out with Courtney, my running buddy and Mikayla's BG club leader. I am so excited to see my daughter build a relationship with such a role model. It's pretty cool to see :)

Thank you all for reading. I hope this doesn't sound negative. I feel VERY passionate about what is stirring in my heart. It's time I shared it with the World.

Love the Lord with all your heart!


God is Good. I just want to do

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Week 2 Day 1 Complete

I am enjoying the Couch to 5 K program very much. It's very difficult but I'm really really enjoying it.

Yesterday was a struggle to get out and run. However Courtney arrived and out I went. I was very nervous about the jogging for 90 seconds but I could do it! 90 seconds doesn't sound like a lot, but for someone who hasn't ran in years, 90 seconds can feel like 24 hours.

Courtney and I DID it we completed Week 2 Day 1 and I am honestly very proud. I am hoping that we will continue to do this and get VERY healthy!!!

I am gaining weight though. But I'm hoping that it's just "muscle" gain. I'm trying my best with the exercise and eating, so I'm going to count this as what I previously said.

Well I don't have much to say again- which is amazing..

Everyone keep going, do what you need to do. You can do it!!
