Tuesday, April 27, 2010

It's almost May and it's Snowing

Well my morning started off a little early with Preston. Then low and behold I look out my window and see snow. My heart sank, because just yesterday I was enjoying a wonderful walk in 20 degree weather with my hubby, Bennet and Preston, while Mikayla was in school. While on our 30 minute walk, Bennet looked up at me and said, "I LOVE SPRING". "Me too Bennet, Me too". As I awoke this morning, my head hurting a little, I pouted! I'm keeping B-boy home today, I know that he'll be devastated at the sight of snow and his play structure/sand area will be closed for the day, thus putting him in a downward spiral. I am taking him to my small group, "Baby buddies" and hopefully he'll have some friends to play with today.

Yesterday, Mikayla came home from school. One of her friends had told her that her Mom was fat. This, REALLY upset her. I was taken back for a moment. I really feel like the enemy wants me to feel "down" about myself. Mikayla then proceeded to say, "I gave her a dirty look" she didn't like that look. "Mom, I told her that you're beautiful". I gave Mikayla a hug and thanked her, but deep down was mortified. My poor girl. We told her that it's never nice to call people fat. Yes, I'm overweight, but that is why I want to take care of myself now, get healthy. My girl has a wonderful heart. I thank God everyday for her, even when she's acting like a 16 year old.

The good news is I'm down another .7lbs. Which is a total of 4lbs in 1 week. I'm very excited about this!! Eating healthy and working out has brought me out of a little depression and has given me a new "joy" that I can't describe. I really feel closer to God in this process, because I'm taking care of the "temple" of the Holy Spirit. I want to do this for my health and for my family. I want to share in this experience, hoping that if I can inspire just 1 other person to get healthy, that would be amazing!

There is a person in my life who has inspired me. I love it.. She has no idea how much she has impacted my life. I thank God for her. And pray a blessing over her life. I keep thinking.. IF she can do it.. So can I.

I hope that I will be in touch this evening to let you know how things are going. Thanks for reading and supporting me. I love you all

Thought of the day: You are beautifully and wonderfully made.



  1. Kids can be SO MEAN! Mikayla's a hero! Good for her for sticking up for you and good for you for teaching her that "fat" is a bad word. 4 lbs is AMAZING!!!! So proud of you! You're gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. AMAZING JOB HEIDI! That's incredible! Mikayla is wise beyond her years. What a sweetheart!

    Girlfiend, you have inspired ME, that's for sure! I've lost 3 lbs. since Saturday, since reading your face-book note to me about your blog! So you have already inspired ONE person and I'm sure there are more out there! Keep it up! I KNOW you can do this!

