Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I need to Practice what I preach

My journey is going well. I'm down another .2 (which is nothing but still its down) I'm eating less and moving more. I'm very excited about my process. I'm loving the feeling of success, but know that I will have my days of "toughness" (is that a word?)

I'm still not feeling very well and Larry's cold is a lot worse then mine. I gave him a hard time last night. I find that whenever I'm sick, he's worse off. Therefore, I can't complain ;)

The other day I talked about "worry" and how it's silly to worry. However this morning Mikayla woke up and showed us something on the back of her neck that woke her up. I called the Dr to see what we should do. They suggested bringing her in to the ER. I'm sure it's just a little infection, but it's hard not to worry, when it involves your children. At this moment Larry is hanging out with Mikayla at the ER, waiting to be looked at. I'm at home with the boys. I am wishing I could be there, but at this moment, it's not possible, we didn't want to take all 3 kiddo's to the ER. Somedays it would be so nice to be at 2 places at once. I'm thankful that Larry was able to take her. I'm just sitting waiting for any word. Not exactly my idea of fun.

Well, I will keep you all posted. I'm sure everything will be fine. Poor Mikayla wasn't all that enthused about visiting the Doctors. She is a little nervous about Doctors, Dentists, ect..

Thanks for reading my blog. God is so good to me, to have friends like you. I am blessed

Thought of the day. "Just do it"



  1. I pray all is well regarding Mikayla. Definitely keep us posted!

  2. Never say .2 is nothing. It's SOMETHING and it's great!

  3. You are doing awesome!! Keeping Mikayla in our prayers. Hugs
