Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Still running and joining the "Biggest Winner" Competition

Hey there World

SO I'm still running. We had taken a break for a while, but on Monday did week 4 day 1. It was incredible. 2- 5 minute runs and 2- 3 minute runs. I was really scared about the 5 minute run. BUT.... We did it! It was tough, but we did it. I was so proud!!! I look forward to running again tomorrow too! It will be a challenge, but I know it's about 2 1/2 times around the top of the Arena.

The new BEAUTIFUL arena in Sensational Smiths Falls has a Walking area at the top of the seated areas. I wasn't sure if I would be comfortable running there, but Courtney and I did it and it wasn't that bad. A little "loud" from a Bears Practice going on, but I'm happy we have a place to run. Much easier running there then on the snow.

Also excited because I'm joining a competition at Vickie's Specialty shop, one of my favorite stores here in town. It's called Biggest Winner (aka-weight loss) from Now til June, I will Simply weigh in once a week at Vickie's and collect my prizes! They are offering gift cards for EVERYONE who loses 5,10, and 20lbs and then a $25 gift card for EVERYONE who keeps their weight off all year! The person who loses the most by June 15th, will win a $100 gift card! That is my goal, the $100.00 gift card!!!! I will need new clothes, don't you think??? I can't wait!! A little more incentive to get healthy and LOSE the weight!!! Whoo-hoo to awesome ideas!

Well this is what's "new" now. Can't wait to write more and tell you all about my journey.


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