Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A Bible Verse and an update

Hey all.

Today I went in for my regular weigh in at Vickie's for my "Biggest Winner" competition. Can I just tell you that I was a little frightened, I know that I've been working out WAY more then the past. I know that I've REALLY been watching my Calorie intake too. Less food more exercise, and yet I was scared and thought that I probably GAINED. A voice in my head, (who was NOT God) was telling me that I was failing and a failure.

Well Guess what DEVIL.. I can do ALL things through Christ that Strengthens me. (This is my "signature" on my e-mail) and yet I forgot this verse until today!

I watched the scale and waited until the Zero's stopped. One foot then the next. Still a little worried, BUT when I saw the number at 227, I just about FREAKED right out. Having 2 other ladies screaming for me was also pretty exciting too. Ladies and gentleman, that puts me down 7.8lbs since January! I am so happy and thankful to my Father in Heaven. I know that he is proud of me. Just maybe I am proud of me too. Not too proud that I'm getting a BIG head, but PROUD that I CAN do this and WILL do this. I started this blog last April and it took me almost 10 months to really start seeing some progress. I am really pumped today and HOPE that I can continue this journey.

I am not writing this to be congratulated or cheered on. I am writing this to encourage everyone that IF you put your mind to it, you can DO this.

January I felt God really challenging me that my weight problem wasn't because I had 3 babies. My weight issues were ME and what I was putting into my body. Therefore, Today I am confessing that I am a bored eater an "emotional" eater and a "stress" Eater. BUT I want to be an example to my Generation and younger generations. I want to live for Christ and I REALLY feel that the way I eat is a bondage that Christ will set me free from. Today I am proclaiming to the World that I WILL be free from this. It won't be easy, and there are always "bumps" on this road. Today is a New Day and I hope you will continue on this ever so fun journey with me.

I really appreciate all of you. I find that having this blog allows me to be accountable to ALL of you. If any of you need prayer or just a little encouragement, send me a message. I'd LOVE to be there for ya!!! Having Vickie's Specialty shop Cheer me on, PROVES to me that there is POWER in accountability.

God Bless



  1. That is amazing! Huge congrats!! Keep goin girl you can do it!
    You rock!! and your husband isn't too bad either!! LOL

  2. You deserve to be congratulated and cheered on - it's not easy!! Good for you! It inspires me to know I'm not the only one.

  3. That is fantastic Heidi!
    I know that you can do it, you can continue to eat for nutrition and not to make yourself happy, I know you can continue to become fit and have more energy for yourself and for your family. Take it one day at a time, don't get upset if you have an "off" day or two- just get back on track because you owe it to yourself and your future.
    I love you Heidi and am always here to cheer you on, day or night.

  4. Awesome, Awesome, Awesome!!! I am so proud of you. Keep up the good work.
