Hello World..
I've had a great few days. Went away last week-end and I think I made some pretty good food choices. I didn't walk away going "ARGH"! Lots of salads, protein, and WATER.
It's interesting at how the Devil can effect me in my battle of self confidence. We were away for a time to "re-fuel" with many other Pastors and their family. Low and behold I was looking at all the BEAUTIFUL Pastor's wives, thinking to myself. "I don't look like them." However, God spoke clearly "You are my child, I made you, you are beautiful and wonderful" I struggled with HEARING what God was saying, however I am thankful to walk in this journey with God and myself.
SInce I've been home I have endured yet another illness. I am battling a "cold" like I never had before. It knocked me OUT. I haven't been active this week, so I am not even stepping near a scale. I'll wait until tomorrow. Start over again. I really do hope that I can get feeling better soon!!! Funny how when you start to do something GOOD for yourself spiritually, and physically- you come down with some sickness. I WILL NOT be stopped.
Today is Fathers Day. I am blessed to still have my Dad around. He's a great man. He may not always be "emotional" with me, but I know he dedicated his life to providing for his family. He's a hard worker, has worked in construction since he was 16. He's now 52 or 53, can't seem to remember, STILL working his butt off. I am thankful for him. He's become a fantastic Grandpa, that my children have fallen DEEPLY in love with. Thank you Dad for being you!!!
Larry, the LOVE of my life. (This may be cheesy, so if your stomach's can't handle it, don't read it.) LARRY- You are fantastic, amazing, generous, and oh so loving. Your babies are so blessed to have you. We have been through much in our 10 years together, but I will shout it out to the World. "I LOVE YOU WITH ALL THAT I AM". I really do respect you, even at times when I may not sound like it.. I really do. I feel so honored that God chose YOU to be in my life. Thank you for choosing me to be your wife. Thank you for being a diaper changer. Thank you for cleaning up boogers. Thank you for handling our children's Vomit, as I absolutely STINK when it comes to that. You wake up with our school aged babies and get them ready for the day, as Preston and I are catching up on the sleep we didn't get during the night. You never complain about it. I can tell that you Love your family, and I want you to know that WE the Kozlof Family APPRECIATE YOU!!! Thanks for being a Great man of God and an awesome role model to our children. You my dear- KICK BUTT.. And that is that!!!
I'll keep you all updated to my progress. It's been a challenge at this point as I love food!!
Thanks all.
Thought of the day- Some of you may not have a great relationship with your earthly fathers.. BUT your heavenly father LOVEs you. "He knows your name, He knows your every thought He sees each tear that falls and hears you when you call"
inspiring like always