Sunday, June 6, 2010

Thank God there is a Tomorrow

Well I have to admit, I have fallen off the wagon. I haven't checked my weight because of fear. I will check tomorrow. I've eaten everything in site and every "craving" I've had I have overindulged. I am confessing to you, and hope you aren't disappointed in me. I am in myself, but yet feel pushed to do better.

I noticed that my friend is doing a 3 month challenge and for every pound she loses she donates a toonie to her local food bank. I have decided that I too am going to do a challenge of such. For every pound I lose I too will donate $2.00 to the diabetes association. My husband has type 1 since he was six and I know many others that have it. I am actually very fearful that I'm headed in this direction too. I am excited about this and look forward to giving them a hefty donation :)

On a side note, Bennet was "observed" on Friday but "behaved" no melt downs. So I'm not sure what the outcome of this will be.

Preston is getting bigger and Mikayla is becoming a little "teenager". :)

Life is always interesting and we all have our moments. I thank God each day for my wonderful family. I can't even imagine where my life would be without him.

I hope you are all doing well. I will weigh myself tomorrow morning. I will blog tomorrow, unless I can't..

Peace be with you



  1. Hey!! Awesome! I love your challenge!! As a type 2 diabetic I say hurrah!! Good cause to support! Let me know how it goes!!

    As for falling off the wagon. Take my hand and lets both get back up on it together because doing it all alone really bites!! It is so much easier with cheerleaders! So Iam here to cheer you on!!

    YOU CAN DO IT!! I am proud of you lady!

  2. You are doing great you have to get right back up, dust yourself off and get moving!!!

  3. Awesome Heidi! I am starting to really work at losing weight too. Have discovered that my blood pressure is starting to be a bit high... not good. Too many bad habits for too long. Thank you for having the courage to share your journey with us.

  4. That's a great Idea and I may jump on board now I have to think of a cause
