Thursday, October 28, 2010

Finally Moving and now I'm loosing

Hey World

Zumba was FANTASTIC! It is very hard to follow, but I am going in with the attitude to have fun and get moving. It's dancing, it's salsa, it's MAJOR sweating and the heart is beating. I love it and am hoping to go back next week.

I have started the couch to 5K. Like I said, the first day I couldn't complete it. HOWEVER>>> Yesterday I completed the whole run. I was getting ready to go out and do this, when Mikayla asked if she could come. At first I thought, "It's probably too much for her" BUT REALLY it isn't, so I agreed. Such a special moment. She was hilarious, cheering me on when she knew I felt like quitting. Reminding how GOOD this was for her and I. "Mom this is so important to keeping us healthy" What a girl. I really thank God for her. She NEVER stops moving. She's a GREAT running buddy. I seriously am looking forward to doing our runs together. A great Mother/daughter moment.

Today I've already had a 30 minute work out on Wii Fit plus. SERIOUSLY!! There is this "skateboarding" game. My heart is pumping, and sweat is coming. I love it. It's tons of fun too

I weighed my self this morning. I am down 2.2lbs. Whoo-hoo.. It has begun again. I'm almost out of the 230's! 21lbs to go and I get my week-end away with my hubby!!!

If I can do this... ANYONE CAN!!

Thanks again for reading. Look forward to posting again real soon

Heidi Kozlof

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