Monday, October 4, 2010

To the wonderful women who taught me what serving is all about

We moved into our new little Green and white house with our baby girl Mikayla, about to embark on our first place of ministry. Excited, eager, nervous and very frightened. We didn't know very many people in our new little community, but we received an invitation for dinner to the Mulders. Koop, Janny & Henrietta welcoming us to the community with a wonderful dinner. Janny making us feel so wonderful. We were beyond content and excited about our new beginnings.

Watching Janny serve our church was a lesson learned, without her even noticing. That Basement kitchen was hers and everyone knew it. She served in MANY of the ministries, and her legacy was also serving. Watching the Love she had for her grand babies was an amazing moment in my life. She was so proud of them. She loved them and taught me that Family really is important.

Jesus was her life. She never once back down from that!

Watching her daughters share the last few weeks over facebook has been a challenge but a blessing too. With that being said, Janny wanting a picture of her "en suite" from the hospital showed me that there is a Peace in Janny that only Jesus' can give.

I am picturing Janny dancing and breathing LONG Deep life giving breaths with our Lord. She was a faithful servant and I know that God was proud.

Thank you Janny for teaching me what's really important in life. You may have just been You, but to me you were a teacher a friend an adoptive "Oma". We feel honored and blessed to have had you in our lives. You have left a legacy that I someday hope that I will leave to.

It's not good bye today. It is I will see you again


1 comment:

  1. What a blessing that we have reasons to celebrate even in our mourning!
