Monday, October 25, 2010

Try something new today

Hey Everyone

Well I did my first couch to 5k yesterday. It was a struggle, I was running in the rain, hoping that would make me feel a little better. I start off on a walk, my warm up, the the lady in my ipod says "RUN NOW". I'm off, I'm feeling good, I'm running I'm running and then I start to feel my breathing start to get heavy. "I think I can I think I can" is running in my mind. 60 seconds is up "Walk now" the lady in my ear says. "This isn't too bad" I think to myself. Then by the 4th run time, I was starting to doubt myself. I kept going.. Gotta do this, Gotta do this. I did 2 more runs, then walks and I seriously couldn't do it. I decided to head back home and do the run as the girl in my ear YELLED for me to do. I got home and was exasperated and a little sad that I didn't complete the whole "Week 1 Day 1" routine. My Loving husband reminded me that I should start slow. I won't move on to day 2 until I complete day 1. Which I am doing tomorrow. When I looked at my ipod I only had 1 more run to do, then walk, then cool down.. I was ALMOST THERE!!! I know Tomorrow I will push myself just a little.

Today I checked my blood pressure and I seem to be back to normal. I am thinking that I was just a little stressed that morning and had a coffee a few hours before I went to see the Doc. I've actually had a lot of fun today. Larry's day off, so I went on the Wii fit for an hour. There is this skateboarding activity that is a great work out. Tons of fun too.

Tonight I'm trying Zumba with a few girls. I will see what I think tonight, it's my free night. If I enjoy it, I may join. It's Monday evenings at 530. My girlfriend says it's a blast. I am wanting to try anything that will get me moving!!!

My new goal for this week is to drink my 8 glasses of water. I really stink at that. I am also working on a meal plan, so that we don't just "eat out" and eat "junk". I'm excited about this "journey" again.

I weighed myself and was back to 233lbs. IF I can hit 199lb my Mom is willing to send Larry and I away for a week-end. She's giving me some incentive to keep up the great work. I love it, Bribing me!! It works for Mikayla, it works for me. LOL . I also have another incentive of $1.00/lb. Right now I'm and $0.00 so that's just not going to stick with me.

Zumba tonight, running tomorrow (morning if possible)

Something else that I am working on is my devotional life. I think that is the MOST important part of my whole journey, is spending time chatting with God. I think if I can get THAT in order, I can also get ME in order too.

Thanks for reading. I really appreciate all the facebook messages and "comments" from you. It really does encourage me to know that I have "cheerleaders". I too am cheering all of you on, who also wants to get your health back. I believe that my body is the temple of Christ. It's time that I start treating it with respect and love.

Enjoy your day. I'll let you know how Zumba goes tonight.

Love and Joy



  1. what's zumba? I've never heard of it. and as far as the AMAZE me!!!! I couldn't do it. I wouldn't do it. and I'll know you'll reach your goal : )

  2. Zumba.. I'm not totally sure.. It's basically dancing.. (or so I've been told) I'll let you know!!

  3. That is great that you are trying out Zumba! I haven't done it but I have heard good things. I also think that if you can go out with people you know and do it, that you are more likely to stick with it.
    Good luck with the jog tomorrow!
    Mine was really hard this morning- I told myself that after last Friday this one would be easy, but it sure wasn't after taking the weekend off of working out.
    GO HEIDI GO!!!
    ALSO know that once you start working out you will gain weight because muscle is heavier than fat, so don't freak out about it - it is a good thing.... make sure you pump those arms and even a water bottle in your hand makes a good hand weight.
