Thursday, April 29, 2010

Emotions get the best of me

Hello World,

Today has been a very tearful day. I woke up and immediately knew that today wasn't going to be one of my more "happy days". Some days I find that no matter how hard you try to be cheerful, you just can't always be. I've learned that YES we must have joy. Wasn't that one of my "thoughts of the day"? However, today I just can't seem to find it. I know this isn't as "perky" as my other blogs. I am actually understanding that a few days ago I wrote that I feel like my depression is "lifting". Which I still speak to that, but isn't it ironic that as soon as I spoke that to my blogger friends.. BOOM, my feelings were hurt, and I just seem to be a "tiny" rut since then. I am sorry if this seems so "gloomy" but blogging is a great way to "release" what's going on inside.

I too was up 1lb today, but I'm not discouraged, it was bound to happen. I will continue to drink my water, eat as well as I can and walk. I'm actually going for a walk. BY MYSELF- no children or hubby ;) tonight. We are heading to our small group for a pot luck.. (must watch myself there) and I'm feeding Preston then heading there by foot, while my AMAZING (have I bragged on him lately?) husband is going to head there by car with food and kiddo's. I'm looking forward to it!! It's about a 20-30 minute walk, just me and God. LOVE LOVE LOVE those times. It's about the same distance as my trek to Zellers. Hope it goes a little easier then last week. I'm convinced that it will.

I've tried to do some more garden work. As soon as I go outside Preston wakes up and wants to be entertained. I was almost irritated this morning that he wouldn't let me pull weeds. However, I snapped out of it quickly, when I realized this precious bundle just wanted to be cuddled. I need to take every moment with Preston as if it was our last. He's a gift from God that I treasure.

My hubby has an awesome Blog started. I hope you'll follow his blog too. I am really proud of the gift of writing that Larry has, so I'm wanting you to take a look at it. He's such an awesome guy. I do feel blessed to have him in my life. He's totally handling my tears today in such dignity and respect. He could totally fluff me off or tell me to "grow up" but he doesn't, he justs loves.

Thanks for your support, I totally Love this blogging thing.

Be blessed

Kozlofhenhoff (aka-Heidi)


  1. Hey girl.
    All will be well. I believe the "dark days" we all have are spiritual attacks the enemy throws at us when things are going well and he is feeling threatened by the good we are spreading and/or he just wants to steal our joy. You can believe you are on the right path!

    Love you girl.

  2. Hi Heidi, You are so not alone in this I so agree with "wordgirl". We do all have days where the light seems to fade. Absolutely the enemy wants to steal our joy but those days do pass. And always God is with us.

    I think it is great that you are using your blog to express those feelings... the word says to rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep. Thank you for being so real and transparent and allowing us to stand with you and oray for you :) Hugs Barb
