Sunday, April 25, 2010

Good Morning

Hello to everyone. I weighed myself today and am down 1.8lbs.. Whoo hoo. I have done my 30 minutes of steps and am wanting to do some walking with the kiddo's today. It's beautiful outside today. Breakfast was a yummy 100% whole wheat english muffin with tomato and a slice of cheese and Banana. I'm needing to get more water intake. I honestly feel fantastic today. I feel bubbly, even with a crying 4 year old.

It's Sunday morning.. We're heading out to church soon. Bennet is already having his Sunday morning melt down. It never fails. Sunday mornings I feel like a crazy women . Larry heads to work at 9:00 and I get the kiddo's ready for church. Once 1030 hits I'm glad to be at church in 1 piece. I am trying to change up Sunday mornings, because the kiddo's can sometimes see a side of me that I hate. Then I walk into church with all smiles on, "Hi how are you?" "Wonderful" (Ya right, I just screamed at my kiddo's to hurry the heck up) I don't want to be a "fake" in the eyes of my babes. Today I'm letting Bennet have his cry and then I will "gently" help him get ready and Go. He's funny because I think he's expecting a reaction out of me.

Well I will probably write later on. I lead worship this evening, a passion of mine. Kind of nervous, since I haven't done this in a while. Remind me to post about how my weight affects me during worship. I just don't have the time now.

Signing off. Have a BLESSED Sunday.. I'm sure we will too


1 comment:

  1. I totally share your Sunday morning sentiments - it's such a frustrating time - I find it hard to blame the kids when they say they don't want to go when getting them there has Mommy in an uproar. Every Sunday morning I have to stretch extra far for patience. In the end it's always worth it but what a job!
