Hello World... I was thinking back to when I was in Grade 7 and 8. I used to Cross country run. Why can't I do this now? My walking buddy came today and has decided to "push" me past my comfort of just walking. The last 100 meters (I know not that far.. but for me was far enough), I jogged. It was great the first 50 meters but I began to feel horrible the last 50 meters. She kept pushing me, "you can do it Heidi, you can do it" I kept going, complaining, but kept going. Then we cheered when I completed the run. It felt good, and shameful that I was sooooo out of breath. I told her how embarrassed I was, yet excited that I could do this. I hope I can do 200 meters next time :)
We have been seeing signs all over the place that say "Where is Franktown?" This is an annual run 1km 5km or 10km run for the Christian School in this area. Our goal is to do the 5km run next year. I am confident that with learning how to "breath" while running, I WILL and CAN do this. I'm excited about this journey!!
This picture is a before shot. I put it on to remind me to keep going. I was .4lb up. I'm stuck on 231, but I know with lots of work, I WILL get below the 230 mark within days. I'm eating well and am excited b/c Dairy Queen has a "fudge" bar that has I believe 35 to 45 caleries. So when I'm craving ice cream, I now have a treat that I too can have. Just not every day or the whole box in one day!!!
Do want to know what I think is really amazing. I know that 2 of my followers are in this journey with me. I want you all to know that IF you are on this journey. WE CAN DO IT!!!
The thought of the day (which I don't do everyday.. I really should though) is a Verse that keeps going on in my head is "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith." 2 Timothy 4:7
Heidi Kozlof
wow-running...you're braver than me - just chasing the kids around the yard makes me think I'm going to have a heart attack! keep it up!!!!