Sunday, May 16, 2010

Motivation needed

Hello World,

I have to admit that this week, hasn't been a great week of eating. I need to come back to the basics of veggies/Fruit. We went to Ottawa yesterday, and I was proud. I had a "Salad" at subway. Much better choice then fast food. However, I haven't had the chance to "walk" or do steps, so I'm feeling a little "frumpy" this morning.

Mikayla is still not 100% yet, so it's made life a little stressful. She's very sore and whiny. I don't blame her though, I too would be the same if I had a sore neck. Such a tender spot. She's such a Gem, even though she's feeling "yucky" she's still in her room SINGING her heart out. What a girl!!!!

I think I'm having writers block, because I honestly don't have much to write about today. I'll keep you informed with how things are.

Signing off


1 comment:

  1. Make sure you never stop believing.
    Own your decision to be on this journey.
    Tell yourself you're beautiful even if you feel "frumpy".
    It's okay to have bad days-the sun always comes out after the rain.
    Victory will be yours if you don't give up.
    Alanna loves you. Always.
    Take it one day at a time.
    Investing in yourself and your health is a wonderful gift to your family.
    Oppose negativity, embrace positive thinking.
    Never doubt that you can do it because you can!!!!

    (If the comment window was wide enough this would read MOTIVATION down the left-hand side)
