O.k, so I've missed one day.. I know.. I'm bad :( Where to begin...
Today is a special day in my life, today is the day I celebrate my anniversary with my dear hubby. We've been married 8 years today. I couldn't ask for a better husband, father and best friend. I hope he feels the same. I do have to admit that I may not have treated him with Love and Respect at 3:00am this fine morning. Preston wanted to feed, and then stay up. I wanted to feed him, then go to bed. These two actions, just don't work. I began feeling frustrated as my "AMAZING" husband was sleeping. Then I thought to myself,
"If I can't sleep, then he shouldn't either" I must admit, I was being very selfish at this point. I awoke him with an abrupt.. "WAKE UP" He was confused, and probably not amused all at the same time. He asked me if I wanted him to take Preston. Then I huffed and puffed and became very irritated because I didn't know what I wanted to do. I actually did want Larry to sleep, as I knew that it was an early morning for him, but I too wanted to sleep. What do I do? How do I answer? Was I pleasant? Not a chance. Does my husband Love me?? Yes and boy am I blessed. I ended up getting Preston back to sleep for a little bit. Then at 6:00am, Larry took him out to the living room. Preston didn't want Daddy, he wanted Mommy. I was a little bit calmer then before, and was able to cuddle with my little man. Poor Larry. What do I expect?? I think sometimes I can't make up my mind at what I want that it leaves Larry guessing. Then when he guess incorrectly, I'm upset. I don't get me!! He probably doesn't either. However, I do have to say, I am 100% blessed to have a man who Loves me, but Loves God even more. He's everything that I prayed for and more. I know I'm getting all "gushy" but honestly, "The best 8 years of my life" I can't wait to spend the next 50+ years with this man. I wonder if I'll still be grumpy at 65 or 70. "Larry, wake up you old man"!! I can just hear me. Larry if you're reading this "I love you so very much. Thank you for handling my grumpiness, thank you for loving me no matter what I look like, Thank you for making me feel beautiful. You are my best friend and I Really do treasure you. I hope you'll forgive me for my grumpiness at 3:00am this morning.. Love you"
O.k enough about Larry and our marriage. On to my journey. Well yesterday I was down .4lbs. I haven't weighed myself today. I will tomorrow morning. Food wise is well. I'm excited b/c the kiddo's are going to have "whole wheat Pasta and sauce" and Larry and I are having Spaghetti Squash and sauce. Great veggie and feels like we're having Pasta when we're not. I have had some "cookies" today. They were there and I didn't stop myself. Which I'm okay about,just as long as this doesn't become a constant habit. Life is great. I feel blessed. Thanks for walking with me on my journey.
Hey girleo.
ReplyDeleteThat's hilarious I just must say. I have my irrational moments too, where C. gets the brunt of my insanity,hormones, moods.
I'm down point something, but I can't find where I recorded my last weight so I can't tell you exactly how much. Hmmmm. My food and activity have been pretty good lately, but I came down with a wretched sore throat sometime after work. WUT UP?
You are doing awesome lady!! Be patient with yourself :)
ReplyDeleteThank you for being honest in your posts - it's nice to know other people share some of the same frustrations as me : )